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What do these two artists have in common?


They were both taught by Lindsay Kemp

  • A visionary dance artist, performer and mime.

  • Taught Kate Bush to dance, later she made a song called Moving about Kemp. 

  • Introduced David Bowie to Kabuki Actor: Bandō Tamasaburō, who taught Bowie how to paint his face white, and introduced quick change costumes into British pop culture.

  • Worked until he died at the age of 80, in 2018. 

  • Diversified British dance, incorporating Kabuki, Drag, Mime and Opera. 

  • Defied ageism in dance and performance. 


Defining Camp


Susan Sontag defines Camp as:​ "A sensibility that revels in artifice, stylization, theatricalization, irony, playfulness, and exaggeration rather than content."

"One is drawn to Camp when sincerity is not enough".

"Camp is the glorification of character."What about this performance makes it camp?


Quotes from Susan Sontag's Notes on Camp. 1964.


What expressive skills make the other groups performance Camp?

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